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🎧 PODCAST: MISSIONE SCRITTURA - Sblocca la tua magia creativa!

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Tutti gli articoli del Magical Magazine

giovedì 10 aprile 2014

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This excerpt is about my main character, Captain Ella Dorsh. 

❝She had decided to close her love in a box, to hold it captive while waiting for a better moment to set it free… but she had never stopped feeding it. It had outgrown its prison and it had escaped at the first chance, blowing up in her face with all the power of a time bomb set on the wrong timer.❞ 

© Eva Fairwald - "Trusting Darkness" 

‪#‎trustingdarkness‬ ‪#‎fantasy‬ ‪#‎ebook‬ ‪#‎amazon‬ 


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